Rich gives you the proper dialogue to use with sellers to set expectations and provides the framework for building the relationship.
Rich shares from experience exactly how he got all kinds of sellers to open houses in order to build a pipeline of potential seller clients.
In just ten minutes, agents can efficiently prioritize goals, outline marketing strategies, and establish a framework for sustained growth, providing a quick yet comprehensive tool for business planning in the dynamic real estate industry.
By staying informed about market trends, cultivating a strong professional network, leveraging technology, and outsourcing non-core tasks, real estate professionals can reduce stress and increase efficiency.
Success in this exclusive segment demands an understanding of affluent clientele, tailored marketing techniques, and a commitment to delivering unparalleled service, setting a new standard in the pursuit of luxury property excellence.
Explore the essential principles that pave the way for achieving your goals and aspirations. Discover actionable insights and strategies to navigate your path to success with confidence and purpose
75% of all agent business is referral based. In this session, Rich will show you how to optimize a client database strategy that will generate endless leads.
Coming from a brokerage agnostic point-of-view, Rich discusses the questions you should be asking yourself about the brokerage you're with and what to consider if you're thinking about making a switch.
Rich Casto gives you the script and shows you how to set the foundation for pricing and how to talk to your sellers about a price reduction.
Rich breaks down 3 strategies top agents use to grow their business and offers specific tools you can use to execute and create immediate results
Learn how to generate listing appointments with tools and tech you're already using.
Rich has held thousands of Open Houses and he shares exactly what to do and what not to do to close appointments at an Open House.
Rich Casto provides practical principles that empower leaders to inspire and guide their teams with clarity and purpose, fostering a positive and high-performing work environment.
Understanding the influence of personality styles in the negotiating process is critical to achieving your desired outcome, especially in real estate. Rich breaks each down so you're better equipped and more confident to negotiate for your clients.
Elevate your leadership journey
with Rich Casto's Masterclasses! Unlock the secrets to impactful leadership and join a community of forward-thinkers.